You are driving around the city, reacting to the puddles beneath you and the bus beside you. And not forgetting the changing traffic lights ahead of you. If you happen to be driving a BMW 325i, you are driving a street smart car. The 325i responds to you and your surroundings. It is a great driving machine.

BMW 325i engines are tough, produce lots of power, and are well engineered. However, they are not designed to last forever. Poor maintenance and wear and tear are some of the factor that could make you decides to look for a used BMW 325i engine. If this is the case, don’t worry they can easily be found in South Africa. You can look for one online without any difficulties. If you fail to find the engine that you are looking for online, then you can try the scrap yards around the country. You can find a high quality used BMW 325i engine.

If you have no idea where the scrap yards are located and you don’t want to get lost, the best thing for you to do is to look for the Google map with markers indicating all the scrap yards dealing in used BMW parts within Pretoria. It will help you get around with much ease.

If you are looking for a used BMW 325i engine in Pretoria, you must note that maintenance will be of great importance when owning such an engine. Here are some important things to check when looking for a used BMW 325i engine.

Cooling system

The German auto maker designs their cooling systems to give nothing but the best performance and great economy. The cooling system circulates the coolant that absorbs and dispatches heat emitted by the engine. Unfortunately, the cooling system components won’t last forever. Extreme fluctuation of temperature causes the belts to become very brittle. When purchasing a used BMW 325i engine ensure you replace the expansion tank, water pump and the map thermostat. Also check for any leaks within the cooling system.

Air injection systems

The secondary air injection systems inject air in to the exhaust when the vehicle is warming up. When the secondary air injection system fails, the engine light illuminates, and the engine will definitely experience problems.

If you are unable to check for the above mentioned things yourself, it is advisable that you look for an experienced BMW mechanic to assist you get the most from you money when visiting the scrap yards. All the best!

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